Detention Ponds (Drainage Easements)
By Bob Grieser, Engineering Committee
Detention ponds are located in Bent Tree III and IV. Construction of the detention areas was required by the County to reduce the possibility that storm water runoff from Bent Tree might damage downstream properties. Maintenance of them is the legal responsibility of the Bent Tree Property Owners Association.
In Bent Tree III a large detention area is located on lots 158, 159, and 161. Additional drainage easements exist on lots 146,157 and 181.
In Bent Tree IV detention ponds are located on the following lots: 199, 204, 206, 211, 213, 216, 217, 222 (pond adjacent to Roller Coaster Rd.), 229 (pond adjacent to Queensmeer Dr.), 230 (pond adjacent to Queensmeer Dr.), 234 (pond adjacent to Roller Coaster Rd.), 235 (pond adjacent to Roller Coaster Rd), 243 (pond adjacent to Queensmeer Dr.), 245 (pond adjacent to Queensmeer Dr.) 251 (pond adjacent to Queensmeer Dr.)
Following is an excerpt taken from section 8H of the Bent Tree Covenants: “No structures, landscaping or other materials shall be placed or permitted to remain within any easement area which may rechannel, obstruct or re¬tard the flow of water to the detention areas. The easement area of each lot and any structure on it shall be main¬tained by the owner of said lot except for the detention structure which shall be the responsibility of BTPOA to in¬spect and maintain. Said structures and easement area shall also be used for water augmentation purposes and Declarant, the BTPOA and their suc¬cessors and assigns reserve the right to enter upon said easements periodi¬cally for purposes of inspection, main¬tenance and repairs.”
For additional information regarding easements, see Covenant section 11 and 11a.
[This article first appeared in the Bent Tree Log in 1992.]