Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

TUESDAY, January 9, 2018

Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument

Commence Meeting at 6:30 p.m.


Members Present: Greg Davis, Mark Weidner, Matt Dunston, Paul Baker

Meeting commenced at 6:30pm.


1)      Approval of the agenda
Motion to approve agenda by Paul, seconded by Matt.  Approved.

2)      Excuse absences, if any
Eric Hammersley - approved

3)      Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda
2 residents in attendance, but no comments or remarks

4)      ACC Report
Matt – New home building plans approved for Lot 196.  Also approved a shed and a fence for 2 properties on Scottswood. 

5)      Committee Reports, if any

a)     Beautification, Trails & Roads:  Paul Baker, Chair
Paul – Motion to approve the renewal of mowing contract for 2018 by Greg, seconded by Matt was approved. 

b)     Communications, Directory & Web Site:  Eric Hammersley, Chair
No report

c)     Covenant Compliance:  Mark Weidner, Chair
Review actions taken as a result of prior month’s hearing
Mark – Discussed resolution of 2 complaints.  Matt will follow up with a resident of a 3rd issue, and Mark will be contacting the property owners to discuss an abandoned car problem.

d)     Engineering & Water Augmentation:  Matt Dunston, Chair
Matt – Nothing to report.

e)     Forest Management:  Mark Weidner, Chair
Mark – Sent pictures of tree damage to the CO State Forestry Service for their professional opinion but has not seen a reply.

f)      Neighborhood Watch: BOD Liaison Paul Baker – Herb Wetzel, Chair
Paul – Nothing to report.

g)     Welcoming:  Matt Dunston, Chair
Matt – Nothing to report.

6)      Review/approve prior board meeting minutes, if available
Motion to approve prior board meeting minutes by Paul, seconded by Matt.  Prior board meeting minutes were approved.

7)      Treasurer’s Report

a)     Current Financial Report
Matt – Presented monthly financial report and submitted itemized list of bills for approval. 

b)     Discuss adding excess income to reserves
Matt – Has discussed what to do with excess income with BTPOA tax accountant and is awaiting their advice. 

c)     Review/approve reimbursements and other bills, if any
Motion to approve outstanding invoices was made by Mark, seconded by Matt.  Board approved payment of outstanding invoices presented at the meeting.

8)      Future Meeting Schedule:

a)     Regular board meetings (3rd TUESDAY, 6:30 pm, Monument Sanitation District): January 9th, February13th, March 13th and April 10th.

b)     Annual budget meeting: February 15th

9)      Any other business
Discussed and agreed on the level of detail to be included in any committee reports.

10)   Adjournment
Motion to adjourn make by Greg, seconded by Mark.  Board meeting adjourned at 7:13pm.