Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

TUESDAY, October 18, 2016

Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument



Members Present: Greg Davis, Matt Dunston, Mark Weidner, Paul Baker, Chris Mettes

Meeting commenced at 6:35 p.m.


1)       Approval of the agenda

Motion to approve agenda by Matt, seconded by Mark, unanimously approved.

2)       Decide on board positions

New board members are Paul Baker and Chris Mettes.  Chris accepted the position as director and board secretary. Paul accepted the position as director and will chair the Beautification, Trails, and Roads committee. Greg remains as President, Mark remains as Vice President, Matt remains as Treasurer. Discussion of the position of Administrative Assistant, presently filled by Marla Vincent, as a very valuable resource that should continue.

3)       Excuse absences, if any

None. All board members present.

4)       Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda

None. No additional residents present.

5)       ACC Report

A porch renovation on Bankhurst and a fence construction on Ambergate were approved by ACC during the past month.

6)       Committee Reports, if any

a)     Beautification, Trails & Roads:  Paul Baker, Chair

Paul Baker replaced Deb Guillan as Chairperson.

Mowing contract has been renewed for 2017 at the same price.

Discussion of lighting at entrances. Fixtures at Scottswood and Hwy 105 have been vandalized. Suggestion to remove all lighting and discontinue electrical service.

Washouts on trail along Higby have been fixed.

Discussion of future trail and monument work.

b)     Communications, Directory & Web Site:  Greg Davis, Chair

Quote received for revising BTHOA Website as an ongoing project. Suggestion of adding “water card” responses on-line.

Discussion of the value of “Next Door” website for community.

BTHOA will continue to use “Mail Chimp” for HOA announcements.

c)      Covenant Compliance:  Mark Weidner, Chair

                                          i.     Discuss problem with mobile home and cars on Colonial Park property

Mark updated the board on all CC issues. Most issues are mitigated with a simple verbal reminder.  Any longer term issues to be addressed with a written reminder.

d)     Engineering & Water Augmentation:  Matt Dunston, Chair

Water Report due November 1st is on schedule and going well.

e)      Forest Management:  Mark Weidner, Chair

Annual forest inspection will be scheduled Feb/Mar 2017 with notices going out to all residents. 2016 inspection cancelled because of favorable conditions since 2015.

f)       Neighborhood Watch: BOD Liaison Brandon Ware – Herb Wetzel, Chair

No report.

g)     Welcoming:  BOD Liaison Mark Weidner – Chuck Loeffler, Chair

Mark assuming the position as liason.  Chuck contacted two new owners this past month.

7)       Review/approve board meeting minutes, if available

Motion to approve amended minutes by Matt, seconded by Mark, approved unanimously.

8)       Review/approve annual meeting minutes

Motion to approve amended minutes by Matt, seconded by Mark, approved unanimously.

9)       Treasurer’s Report

a)     Current Financial Report

Financial update distributed.

b)     Review/approve reimbursements and other bills, if any

Motion to approve financial update and pay outstanding bills by Paul, seconded by Mark, approved unanimously.

10)    Future Meeting Schedule:

a)     Regular board meetings (3rd TUESDAY, 6:30 pm, Monument Sanitation District): Oct 18th, Nov 15th, Dec 20th

Next regular board meeting November 15th.

b)     General membership meeting – Thursday, September 22nd, 2016 at the Woodmoor Barn.

BTHOA Budget Meeting to be Thursday February 16, 2017.

Annual Membership Meeting to be Thursday September 21, 2017.

Announcements to be sent out to all BTHOA members at the appropriate time.

11)    Discuss Mark Weidner’s suggestion about using Google Voice for contact numbers

Covenant Compliance will get a free Google Voice account and phone number which will forward calls to the CC committee.  This will replace the listing of personal phone numbers for CC. The Google Voice phone can be programmed to be forwarded to any other phone number in the future.

12)    Discuss the water issues brought up by the Friends of the Black Forest Preservation Plan

Matt presented background information. Invitation to go out to Friends of Black Forest requesting a speaker and update at our next board meeting.  Further discussion and possible financial support for FBF was tabled until the next board meeting.

13)    Any other business


14)    Summary of action items

None needed.

15)    Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 by Greg.



Minutes prepared by Chris Mettes, October 19, 2016.