Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

October 20, 2015

  Monument Sanitation Board Meeting Room


The meeting was called to order by Matt Dunston, at 6:43 PM.


Board  members  present:  Matt Dunston, Deb Guillan &  Mark Weidner.

Motion made by Deb to Excuse Board member absences; Greg Davis, Brandon Ware.  Seconded by Mark.  Unanimous approval.

Approval of the Agenda:  Mark made a motion to approve the agenda as written.  The motion was seconded by Matt. Unanimous approval.


Resident Remarks: None


ACC Report:  Matt reported that the ACC committee met with Briese on the Colonial Park new build.  The foundation is in progress.


Committee Reports:

Beautification, Trails & Roads:  The Work Day was successful.  10 tons of road base put out to repair the upper and lower trails of Higby Road.  The Ware family moved 7 tons on their own & cleared out debris from each side of the culvert an opened the trail to a safe width for walking.

Communications: No Report or discussion.

Covenant Compliance:  Mark reported a Tour will be conducted shortly.

Engineering and Water Augmentation:   No Report.

Forest Management:   No Report.

Neighborhood Watch: No report or discussion.

Welcoming:   Deb presented Chuck’s report.  Three new neighbors welcomed.  We may need to purchase more bird houses before the 2016.


.Board meeting minutes:  Minutes for the September’s Board meeting were presented.  Mark made a motion to approve.  Seconded by Matt.  Unanimous approval. The Board meeting minutes of Sept. 17, 2015 were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report:   A motion to pay Marla’s hours & reimburse Deb Guillan for September Homeowner’s Meeting.   A motion to pay these bills was made by Matt & Seconded by Mark.  Unanimous Approval.


Future Meeting Schedule:

Annual Budget Meeting: Feb. 18th.

Regular Board Meetings:  3rd Tuesday, 6:30 P.M., Monument Sanitation District; Nov. 17th, & Dec.15th. Jan. 19th.  Feb 9th. Mar. 15th,

Motion to Adjourn, made by Deb.  Seconded by Mark.  Unanimous Approval 8:28 P.M.




Minutes prepared by Secretary Deb Guillan   Sept. 10, 2015   Approved by the Board,  January 19, 2016