Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

July 21, 2015

  Monument Sanitation Board Meeting Room


The meeting was called to order by Board President, Greg Davis, at 6:38 PM.


Board members present:  Greg Davis, Deb Guillan, Patrick Quinlan & Mark Weidner.

Homeowners:  Jimmie Meyers


Approval of the Agenda:  Greg Davis made a motion to approve the agenda as written.  The motion was seconded by Mark, and approved unanimously.


Approval of Absence: Greg Davis made a motion to approve Matt Dunston’s Absence. Seconded by Mark, and approved unanimously.


Members Response:   Jimmie Meyer presented his concern for the recent chip and seal repair for Bankhurst.   Also, he asked about the island mowing in culdesac.  A discussion indicated this street repair quality is common.  The Islands are the culdesac owners responsibility.


ACC Report:  No Report


105 Cornerstone Light Replacement:  Matt Dunston will hire this to be done in the near future.


Colonial Park Monument Improvement:    Matt will hire Ignacio to begin this work shortly.  Backup stone masons will be found in the event we can’t get started in the next month.   The board will vote on the result in the August Board Meeting.


Dentention Pond Tour and Repair:   Matt Dunston, Greg Davis and Pete Hoyt toured all of the detention ponds.  Two men cleaned and repaired drainage areas as they toured.  Greg presented photos of the detention ponds and schemata of each pond.  His report indicates all are in working order with the exception of #12 as the silt is a foot high.  This will be addressed in the next few weeks.


Committee Reports:


Beautification, Trails & Roads:  The Trails have received significant water damage in the past three weeks.  Two people will be hired to bring up the displaced soil and repair the trail.  Mowing in front of the homes has been delayed.  Will be accomplished in next two weeks.


Communications: No Report or discussion.


Covenant Compliance:  Mark indicates a parking Variance will be addressed next month.


Engineering and Water Augmentation:  The board was notified of  40 water usage cards not returned by this date.   These will be followed up.



Forest Management:  No report or discussion.


Neighborhood Watch: No report or discussion.


Record Keeping:   Deb reported on the recent NEPCO meeting of July and the result of the recent State Bill concerning Licensed Management Company needs for HOA’s.  Also the concerns for commercial drug rehab homes in neighborhood settings.  Wording for HOA’s to prevent allowance of such settings was offered by the Law Practice of Anderson, Dude & Lebel.


Patrick made the motion that the Record Keeping Committee would be eliminated.  Seconded by Mark.  Unanimous Approval.


Welcoming:   Chuck has given two welcome packets in the past month.  Many homes are on the market.  Five more are pending.  Chuck will follow up with the new homeowners after the property closes.


.Board meeting minutes:  Minutes for the June board meeting were presented.  After correction,

Motion to approve by Mark, seconded by Patrick.  Unanimous Approval.


Treasurer’s Report: Matt’s Statements were presented to the board.  Marla’s invoice for payment & Deb Guillan’s reimbursement for Nepco membership payment.  A motion was made by Greg to pay these bills.  Seconded by Mark.  Unanimous approval.


Future Meeting Schedule:

Annual Board Meeting: Thursday, September 17th, 6:30 P.M., Woodmoor Improvement Association Barn, 1691 Woodmoor Drive.

Regular Board Meetings : 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 P.M., Monument Sanitation District; July 21st, Aug 18th,Sept. 8th, Oct. 20, Nov. 17th, & Dec.15th. Jan. 19th.



A motion to adjourn, was made by Deb Guillan. Seconded by Patrick.  Unanimous Approval.  8:25 P.M.


Minutes prepared by Secretary Deb Guillan   July 22, 2015     Approved by the Board August 19th