Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

February 17, 2015

Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument, CO


The meeting was called to order by Board President, Greg Davis, at 6:31 PM.


Board members present:  Greg Davis, Matt Dunston, and Chuck Loeffler.

Board members, Patrick Quinlan and Deb Guillan were absent.  A motion was made to excuse both absences and was approved by all members present.


Approval of the Agenda:  Matt Dunston made a motion to approve the agenda as written.  The motion was seconded by Chuck Loeffler, and approved unanimously.


ACC Report:  Matt Dunston stated that there was no new ACC activity or business to report.


Committee Reports:


Beautification, Trails & Roads:  No report.


Communications:  Marla Vincent has updated the Bent Tree Directory, and the updated version will be posted soon.


Covenant Compliance:  No report from the CCC.  Chuck Loeffler brought up a couple of ongoing covenant violations which had been previously reported, but persist.  CCC take appropriate steps to address these issues.  It was also requested that the CCC provide monthly reports on compliance surveys and covenant violations.


Engineering and Water Augmentation:  Chuck Loeffler, who is serving as interim head of the Water Committee, reported that he met with Renae Pollock and Marla Vincent to discuss duties and assignments for the upcoming water year.  Renae Pollock will continue to maintain the date and spreadsheets and prepare the year-end report to the State.  Marla Vincent, with Renae’s assistance, will handle the annual mailing of water use report cards to homeowners.  It was recommended to the Board, and approved, that the mailing be sent out in May, vs. April.  Chuck Loeffler will continue his effort to recruit a qualified volunteer to take over the job on the Water Committee that was formerly held by Bob Hostetler.  Chuck presented a list of Water Committee duties and tasks, showing which committee members will work on which tasks.


Forest Management:  No report or discussion.


Neighborhood Watch: No report or discussion.


Record Keeping: No report or discussion.


Welcoming:  Chuck Loeffler reported that no properties changed ownership in the past month, and all welcoming activity is up to date.  There are currently six homes and one unbuilt lot for sale in Bent Tree.


Annual Budget Meeting:  Greg explained that, since the notification to owners did not go out within the required timeframe, the annual budget meeting will be postponed until March 5th.  It will be held at the Woodmoor Barn on Woodmoor Drive.  Greg will send notification of the change out to all homeowners this week.  Deb Guillan will make arrangements for refreshments at the meeting.


Board meeting minutes:  Minutes of the January board meeting were not available, and will be reviewed at the March board meeting.


Treasurer’s Report: Matt Dunston presented the treasurer’s report.  Expenditures from 1/20/15 to 2/17/15 totaled $12,489.74.  Most of the annual dues from property owners have been paid and deposited.  As of Feb. 17th, there are 13 property owners who have not paid their dues.

The following bills and claims for reimbursement were reviewed and unanimously approved by board members present:  $56.31 to Greg Davis for 2-year renewal of internet domain name, and $435 payment to Marla Vincent for clerical/administrative services.


2015 Budget:  The proposed 2015 BTPOA budget, to be presented to the membership at the annual budget meeting, was reviewed.  Slight revisions were made, and Matt Dunston moved to approve the draft budget.  Greg Davis seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved.


The meeting was adjourned by president, Greg Davis, at 7:15 PM.


Minutes prepared by Chuck Loeffler/In absence  of  Secretary Deb Guillan


Corrected and Approved By Board Members on March 17, 2015