Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

DATE OF MEETING December 16, 2014

Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument

Meeting called to order by Greg Davis at 6:33 pm


Board members: Greg Davis-President, Patrick Quinlan-Vice President, Matt Dunston-Treasurer, Chuck Loeffler-Director, Deb Guillan-Secretary.  No Absences


Approval of the agenda-Matt made the motion to accept the Agenda.  Seconded by Patrick.  Unanimous Approval.

ACC Report-No Report

Committee Reports, if any

Beautification, Trails & Roads:  The entrance lights at 105 will be replaced with red and green for the holidays.

Communications-Greg Davis reported that Marla, Steve & Greg have met.  Membership file  management was discussed.

Covenant Compliance:  No Report.

Engineering & Water Augmentation:  Chuck reported that Marla, Bob & Chuck have met & will go over the transitioning the files.

Forest Management-No Report

Neighborhood Watch: No report.

Record Keeping-No Report.

Welcoming: Chuck reported welcoming one homeowner.  He has some follow up visits pending for after the holidays.  One welcoming packet was returned.  An address search was requested. 


February Budget Meeting-Planning & discussion of having a Reserve Study completed by February to present. 


Board Meeting Minutes Review-None to review as left at home.


Treasurers Report-Matt presented the CD values.  It was noted the Annual Homeowner’s Dues statement have been sent by mail.

A motion was made by Greg & seconded by Patrick to pay the Insurance Bill. 

A motion was made by Deb & seconded by Chuck to pay Marla for her November hours.


Future Meeting Schedule:  Annual Budget Meeting: February 19th, 6:30 PM-Location to be determined.

Regular board meetings (3rd Tuesday, 6:30 pm, Monument Sanitation District): Jan. 20th, Feb. 17th, Mar. 17, April 21st, May 19th, June 16th. July 21st.


A Motion to Adjourn, made by Deb.  Seconded by Chuck.  Unanimous Approval.  


Minutes submitted by Deb Guillan                                     January 20, 2014


Minutes Approved by Board of Directors                            January 20, 2015