Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

DATE OF MEETING November 18, 2014

Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument

Meeting called to order by Greg Davis at 6:32 pm


Board members: Greg Davis-President, Patrick Quinlan-Vice President, Matt Dunston-Treasurer, Chuck Loeffler-Director, Deb Guillan-Secretary.  No Absences



Approval of the agenda-Deb made the motion to accept the Agenda.  Seconded by Chuck.  Unanimous Approval.

ACC Report-The Committee approved a screened area for a vehicle & a detached shed.

Committee Reports, if any

Beautification, Trails & Roads:  No Report

Communications-Greg Davis reported that Brandon Ware will be helping with this committee.

Covenant Compliance:  Matt Reported that the CCC committee have been addressing repeat concerns.  Letter would be going out to those homeowners. 

Engineering & Water Augmentation:  The Annual Water Usage Report has been completed and sent to the state.  Bob Hostetler has been working with Chuck to understand the process by which the report is created as the Liaison and Interim Director for this committee.

Forest Management-No Report

Neighborhood Watch: No activity reported this past month according to Herb Wetzel.

Record Keeping-Deb Reported.

Welcoming: Chuck reported no new homeowners.  Two homes are pending.  9 Homes on the market.


Parking Variance Hearing for Lot 137-Chuck made the motion to give Lot 137 a variance for the Mobility Van to be parked outside of the garage until November of 2015.  This applies only to the current renters.  Matt seconded the motion.  Unanimous Approval.


Administrative Assistant Candidate-Marla Vincent presented her Resume.  Her past work with the Walden POA was extensive.  Many ideas will be useful for our record keeping & operations.  A motion was made by Patrick to hire Marla Vincent to the position of BTPOA’s Administrative Assistant.  Seconded by Greg.  Unanimous Approval.


Board Meeting Minutes Review-A Motion to approve October’s Board Meeting Minutes was made by Greg.  Seconded by Chuck Unanimous Approval.


Treasurers Report-Review of bills & Reimbursements- Davey Landscaping Bills & Anderson Lebel final statement for $122.00 were discussed.   A motion was made by Matt to pay November bills.  Chuck seconded the motion.  Unanimous approval.


Future Meeting Schedule:  Annual Budget Meeting: February 19th, 6:30 PM-Location to be determined.

Regular board meetings (3rd Tuesday, 6:30 pm, Monument Sanitation District): Jan. 20th, Feb. 17th, Mar. 17, April 21st, May 19th, June 16th.


A Motion to Adjourn, made by Patrick.  Seconded by Matt.  Unanimous Approval.   9:02 P.M.


Minutes submitted by Deb Guillan                                     December 16, 2014


Minutes Approved by Board of  Directors                           January 20, 2015