Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

DATE OF MEETING October 21st

Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument

Meeting called to order by Greg Davis at 6:37 pm


Board members: Greg Davis-President, Patrick Quinlan-Vice President, Matt Dunston-Treasurer, Chuck Loeffler-Director, Deb Guillan-Secretary.

Other attendees: Mark Weidner CCC Chair, Forestry Chair


Approval of the agenda-Matt made the motion to accept the Agenda.  Seconded by Deb.  Unanimous Approval.

ACC Report-Matt Dunston reported ACC approved Lot 196 for the well placement.  Approved two other Applications for a parking enclosure and screened area.  Ron Restanio, Brandon Ware and Matt Dunston make up the ACC Committee.  Matt is the Chair.

Committee Reports, if any

Beautification, Trails & Roads:  Deb Guillan, reported the work day went well, lower trail and upper were repaired.

Communications-No Report

Covenant Compliance:  Mark Weidner indicates and Oct. tour is forthcoming. 

Engineering & Water Augmentation:  Water Reports in progress.  Bob has all meter cards.

Forest Management-No Report

Neighborhood Watch: Patrick made a report.

Record Keeping-No Report.

Welcoming:  Chuck, Chairman, met with two new neighbors, 4 new homeowners were given bird houses and one home is under contract.  Deanne McCullough has indicated she would like to be on the welcoming committee.

A motion was made to have Deanne McCullough join the welcoming committee.  Seconded by Patrick Quinlan.  Unanimous Approval.


Parking Variance Hearing for Lot 137-Discussion of ACC meeting with the renters & the home’s owner.  Fencing was established behind the garage to accommodate one vehicle.  It was not determined if the garage could accept any more vehicles.  Chuck made the motion to table the variance hearing until adequate notice of the hearing board was given.   Matt seconded the motion.  Unanimous Approval.


Well Easement Discussion, Lot 196-Discussion about the most recent agreement and the hope, with minor wording changes, the board would agree to sign the agreement.  Matt made a motion to approve this agreement.  Patrick Quinlan seconded the motion.  Three votes for, one against, 1 recuse vote.  The motion carries.


Administrative Assistant-Prospective candidates will be at the November Meeting.


Entry Monuments Status:  Matt indicates the work may not be started until spring of 2015.  Time & weather related delays.  

Approval of September’s Board Meeting Minutes.  Motion to Approve was made by Patrick.  Seconded by Matt.   Unanimous Approval.


Treasurer Report-Annual dues notices  will go out late November-early December.

Review Reimbursements-Renee Pollock $35.44  Copying expense

                                          Bob Hostetler $502.00 Mailing Expenses

                                          Greg Davis      $110.26  Printing Supplies

                                   Chuck Loeffler       $37.02 for postage

                                    Deb Guillan          $128.30 for September Homeowners Snacks & voting supplies

Patrick made the motion to pay all of the bills.  Seconded by Chuck.  Unanimous Approval


Future Meetings: Nov. 18th, Dec. 16th, Jan. 20th, Feb. 17th, Mar. 17th, April 21st

Budget meeting-Feb. 19th  Location?


Adjournment-Motion to adjourn made by Matt.  Seconded by Chuck  Unanimous Approval.



Minutes submitted by Deb Guillan                              Date:  Nov. 18, 2014


Minutes approved by Board of Directors with changes.          Date:November 18, 2014