Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes-BTPOA Minutes

DATE OF MEETING August 19, 2014

Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument

Meeting called to order by Greg 6:35 pm


Board members: Greg Davis, Patrick Quinlan, Matt Dunston, Chuck Loeffler, Deb Guillan Quorum Met

Other attendees:   Bob Hostetler


Approval of the agenda-Motion made by Matt to accept agenda.  Seconded by Chuck. Unanimous approval.

Resident remarks-Bob Hostetler gave a report of recent water augmentation activities.  Some usage cards still outstanding.  Bob also discussed a need to check the drainage ditches around the community wells for debris or silt that might deter the water flow.  Board may need to draft a delinquent letter imposing a fine if cards aren’t returned in a timely manner.

Water reports need to be completed by Oct.  The water year is from October-November.

A motion made by Chuck to draft a rule with time lines to address water usage violations; including non-returned water usage cards.  Seconded by Patrick.  Unanimous Approval.

Excuse absences, if any –None


Monument Repair/Upgrade Report-Matt reported he has confirmed Brian Sible will be doing the Monument upgrade starting in late September, as able.  A written bid was requested.


Committee Reports-

ACC Report-:    Matt reported one new build on Charter Pines, remodeling approval requests for painting roofs, landscaping, garden shed & one screened enclosure.

Beautification, Trails & Roads:  Deb indicated walking trail has had some minor damage with recent rains.

Communications, Directory & Web Site:  No New

Covenant Compliance:  No New

Engineering & Water Augmentation:   Report given during resident remarks.

Forest Management/Wildfire Mitigation:   No new.

Neighborhood Watch:  No Report

Welcoming:  Chuck reported two welcoming packets out to new home owners.  Eleven homes on the market.  Three recently sold.

Record Keeping Study Group: Deb is looking for help on this committee. 


Administrator Assistant Replacement: Replacements will be explored and names presented at the September board Meeting.  Matt will call a previous applicant. 

A motion to pursue previous applicant was made by Chuck and Seconded by Matt.  Unanimous approval.

Pursue other applicants & possibilities if needed.


Approval of July Board Meeting Minutes:  A motion was made by Greg and Seconded by Chuck to accept the July 15th Board Meeting Minutes.  Unanimous approval.




Treasurer’s Report-

Motion to pay for the $75.00 deposit for the Woodmoor Improvement Association Room rental.   Made by Deb, seconded by Patrick.  Unanimous approval

Motion to write a $500.00 Damage deposit Check, for the WIA Room.  Made by Chuck Seconded by Matt. Unanimous approval.

Insurance:  Discussion of the two policies being aligned at the same due date.  Thought to be a good

Idea.   General Liability Policy & Directors & Officers Policy.

Future Meeting Schedule:  September 17th, WIA building, Regular Board Meeting (3rd Tuesday, 6:30 P.M., Monument Sanitation District):  Sept. 16th, Oct. 21st, Nov. 18th & Dec. 16th, Jan. 20th, Feb. 16th.


Action Items:

Greg-Mass Email didn’t produce any volunteers, Greg will encourage Homeowners to participate at upcoming meeting, will draft agenda for homeowner’s meeting, encourages emails from each committee chair or attendance at board meetings.

Matt-Matt will get the mail key from Mark Weidner, pursue a bid from Brian Sible & pay invoices.

Deb-Will look up new homeowner names for Chuck and Email July Board Meeting Minutes for posting.


Adjournment- A motion was made to adjourn, made by Patrick.  Seconded by Greg.  Unanimous Approval.


Minutes Submitted by Deb Guillan                                  September 9, 2014


Approved by the Board of Directors                                September 9, 2014                                      ,