Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes-BTPOA Minutes

DATE OF MEETING July 15, 2014

Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument

Meeting called to order by Greg 6:37 pm


Board members: Greg Davis, Patrick Quinlan, Matt Dunston, Chuck Loeffler, Deb Guillan Quorum Met

Other attendees: ACC Chair, Mark Wester, CCC & Forestry Chair, Mark Weidner


Approval of the agenda-Motion made by Chuck to accept agenda.  Seconded by Matt. Unanimous approval.

Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda -None

Excuse absences, if any -None

ACC Report, if any-Mark Wester gave report.  Issues resolved with garage completion.  Some painting & fencing approval requests.

Monument Repair/Upgrade Report-Matt reported he has met with 2 contractors.  He has requested bids.   Matt will present bids at the next meeting.  $10,000- Matt reported he has met with 2 contractors.  He has requested bids.  

Committee Reports-

Beautification, Trails & Roads:  BOD Liaison Deb Guillan gave report that Davey Tree Expert Company is doing well & mowing width has increased on the road sides.

Communications, Directory & Web Site: BOD Liaison-No Report

Covenant Compliance:  Mark Weidner gave an update of recent tours & concerns.   Traci has sent out CCC letters to Homeowners.

Engineering & Water Augmentation: Chuck reported the need to get the last water use cards in for the water usage report.  He will continue to pursue the last cards.

Forest Management/Wildfire Mitigation:  Mark Weidner reported the one identified beetle kill tree has been removed.  A motion was made to skip the beetle inspection for 2015, made by Mat.  Seconded by Chuck.  Unanimous Approval.

Neighborhood Watch: BOD Liaison– No Report

Welcoming:  BOD Liason-Chuck reported four welcoming packets out to new home owners and 2 more packets to renters.  He reported the magnetic signs are available for use for  the CCC tours.

Record Keeping Study Group: Deb Guillan would like to encourage an email to go out for help on this committee.

Great Water Divide Company Presentation:  Doug Barber explained the inception of The Great Divide Water Company & the present undertakings of the company.  He detailed the aquifers names & locations by depth.  He indicated he is looking to purchase a lot in Bent Tree, to develop a well.   This will allow the company to sell some of the water Rights, to another entity.  No Bent Tree water rights are being sold. 

A motion was made to accept the water rights that the Great Divide Water Company is offering Bent Tree that are located in the Laramie/Fox Aquifer.  Made by Patrick.  Seconded by Matt. Unanimous Approval.

Treasurer’s Report-

Motion to pay Traci Silverberg’s Invoice, made by Patrick, seconded by Deb.  Unanimous approval

Motion to reimburse Chuck for his expenses, made by Patrick, seconded by Matt.  Unanimous approval.

Future Meeting Schedule:  September 17th, WIA building, Regular Board Meeting (3rd Tuesday, 6:30 P.M., Monument Sanitation District):  August 19th, Sept. 16th, Oct. 21st, Nov. 18th & Dec. 16th


Action Items:

Greg-Mass email asking for volunteers to fill chair openings

Matt-Pay Invoices, get estimates for cornerstone improvement


Adjournment- A motion was made to adjourn, made by Patrick.  Seconded by Chuck.  Unanimous Approval.


Minutes Submitted by Deb Guillan                                    August 19, 2014


Approved                                                                             August 19, 2014

































a)      Review/approve Traci Silverberg invoice

b)      Review/approve Anderson, Dude, and Lebel invoice, if any  

c)      Review/approve reimbursements and other bills, if any

2)        Future Meeting Schedule:

a)      Annual Meeting: DATE, LOCATION

b)      Regular board meetings (3rd TUESDAY, 6:30 pm, Monument Sanitation District):  DATE OF NEXT MEETING

3)        Any other business

4)        Summary of action items

5)        Adjournment



Minutes submitted by  XXXXXXXXXXXX                           Date:  XXXXXXXXXXXX    


Minutes approved by Board of Directors                                 Date:  XXXXXXXXXXXX