Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

August 9, 2011

Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument

Commence Regular Session at 6 p.m.

Board Members present were John Heiser, Duane Fitch, Wayne Claybaugh and Jane King


1)        Approval of the agenda – meeting called to order at 6:10 pm by John Heiser.  Agenda changed to move Engineering/Water Augmentation report and Forest Management Report to item #2.  Motion by Wayne Claybaugh to approve agenda as modified, seconded by Duane Fitch, all in favor.

2)        Engineering/Water Augmentation Report – Bob Hostetler provided Board with list of pending issues related to water augmentation and situations where necessary documentation has not been received or there were well issues.  Reviewed Rules & Regulations and came up with suggested changes needed to cover this area relating to homeowner responsibility.  

Forest Management Report – John Anderson reviewed issues with forest management relating to homeowners who did not return necessary paperwork during tree inspection.   Reviewed Rules & Regulations and came up with suggested changes to cover this area relating to homeowner responsibility.

3)        Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda - None

4)        Excuse absences, if any – Mike Mastrodonato emailed after meeting that he was out of town and Board voted to excuse his absence after the fact.

5)        Review/approve July 12, July 13, and July 26, 2011 board meeting minutes – Motion made by Wayne Claybaugh to approve July 12th, July 13th and July 26th meeting minutes as written, seconded by Duane Fitch, all in favor.

6)        ACC Report, if any - None

7)        Review/approve hearing summary letters (4) – reviewed hearing notices and motion made by Duane Fitch to approve as written, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.

8)        Executive Session: No Executive Session issues to discuss.  John Heiser still working on letter needed for attorney.

a)      Hearings (0)

b)      Communications with attorney

9)        Committee Reports, if any

a)      Beautification, Trails & Roads:  BOD Liaison – Mike Mastrodonato – Who? Chair – no update as liaison was not available.

b)      Communications, Directory & Web Site:  BOD Liaison – Wayne Claybaugh – Steve Fuhrmann, Chair – Wayne Claybaugh has spent hours training with Steve Furhmann and the directory is now updated and was sent for posting to the web page.   Wayne indicated he is learning so much and the job requires a lot of work and effort.  Per Wayne, Steve is trying to set up time to train Elena on taking over web site work.  

c)      Covenant Compliance:  Liaison – Jane King – Jim Rios and Cris Uhlenhopp, Co-Chairs

                                                  i.      Handling of follow-up on prior parking hearings – reviewed draft letters and agreed they are ready to send.  John Heiser will put on BTPOA letterhead and mail out. 

                                                ii.      Jane King reviewed other pending CCC issues and decisions were discussed on follow up on those issues. 

                                              iii.      Jane King let Board know she spent four hours updating picture naming convention in Google Docs so things are consistent.

                                              iv.      Duane Fitch will work on “stuffer” that would be included with CCC letters to homeowners.  This “stuffer” will include information on the CCC process.

                                                v.      Jane King will email all those who volunteered to be part of CCC group and see if they are still interested and find out who can attend the tentative CCC process group meeting on August 16th.

d)      Engineering & Water Augmentation:  BOD Liaison – John Heiser – Bob Hostetler, Chair – moved to item 2 – see notes above.

e)      Forest Management:  BOD Liaison – Wayne Claybaugh – John Anderson, Chair – moved to item 2 – see notes above.

f)       Neighborhood Watch & Welcoming:  BOD Liaison – Wayne Claybaugh – Wayne Claybaugh, Chair – Wayne and Rae Jean Claybaugh have put a lot of work in to the welcome packets and are working closely with Chairs of various committees to include pertinent information in all welcome packets.   The packets include some of the following information:  garbage pickup information; BTPOA website, CCC, signing up for email communication, water augmentation information and the bird house offer.  They continue to work on modifying the packets so that homeowners have needed information about the community and know homeowner expectations for various issues.

10)    Treasurer’s Report

a)      Balance Sheet/2011 Budget – John Heiser passed out updated information.

b)      Status of 2011 assessment payments – one that was unpaid has been paid and there are approximately 5 others still unpaid.

c)      Review/approve Accountable Bookkeeping Services invoice – reviewed ABS invoice and motion made by Wayne Claybaugh to approve, seconded by Duane Fitch, all in favor.

d)      Review/approve Anderson, Dude, and Lebel invoice, if any – none

e)      Review/approve reimbursements, if any – motion made by Wayne Claybaugh to approve reimbursement to Jane King for printer cartridge, seconded by Duane Fitch, all in favor.

f)       Discuss additional invoices – Bill received from Pinnacle for Workers Compensation.  Motion made by Duane Fitch to pay, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.

g)      CPA – John Heiser indicated that the current CPA is retiring and has sold his practice.  Motion made by Wayne Claybaugh to sign business agreement with individual taking over practice, seconded by Duane Fitch, all in favor.

11)    Rules and Regulations

a)      4.10 Animals – Reviewed section typed up by Jane King and John Heiser will add section on nuisance and remove parts that do not apply to BTPOA (Section 4.10.2 on livestock, wild game).

b)      Board meeting scheduling and notices – no changes

c)      Property Owner Responsibilities Section – changes will include information discussed on water augmentation and forest management.

12)    Future Meeting Schedule:

a)      Annual meeting: Sept. 15, 6:30 pm, YMCA- John Heiser has insurance certificate modified per YMCA requirements.

b)      Regular board meetings (2nd Tuesday, 6 pm, Monument Sanitation District): September 13, October 11, November 8, December 13

c)      CCC work session August 16, 5 pm, Monument Sanitation District – Jane King to send email to CCC volunteers to see if they still have interest and to see who can attend meeting.

13)    Any other business

14)    Summary of action items

a)      John Heiser still needs to rework letter for attorney.

b)      John Heiser will put CCC letters on BTPOA letterhead and send out.

c)      Duane Fitch will work on “stuffer” for inclusion with CCC letters to homeowners that will explain the CCC process.

d)      Jane King to email CCC volunteers to see who is still interested and see who can attend tentative CCC process group meeting on August 16th.

e)      Jane King will email Steve Furhmann about changing CCC email recipients.

f)       John Heiser will change Google Docs password.

g)      John Heiser to modify Animal section of R&R and include in draft to be sent to for review.  John will also modify property owner responsibility section per discuss on water augmentation and forest management. 

h)      Jane King to scan receipt for printer cartridge and email to John Heiser. 

i)        John Heiser will call Mike Mastrodonato on meeting and committee information.

15)    Adjournment – motion made at 8:45 pm by Jane King to adjourn, seconded by Wayne Claybaugh, all in favor.




Submitted by Jane King, Secretary                                                      August 10, 2011


Approved by Board                                                                             September 13, 2011