Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

May 10, 2011

Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument

Commence Regular Session at 6 p.m.

Board Members Present:  John Heiser, Duane Fitch & Jane King


1)        Approval of the agenda – Duane Fitch motioned to approve, Jane King seconded, all in favor.

2)        Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda – One homeowner who is new to Bent Tree came to the meeting to introduce herself.

3)        Excuse absences, if any – Motion was made by Jane King to excuse Wayne Claybaugh and Mike Mastrodonato, seconded by Duane Fitch, all in favor. 

4)        Review/approve April 12, 2011 board meeting minutes – John Heiser made motion to approve April 12, 2011 minutes, Duane Fitch seconded, all in favor.

5)        ACC Report, if any – Mark Wester gave an ACC update and reminded everyone that the ACC meets the first Wednesday of each month at Village Inn.   The ACC has 3 applications or paperwork that are missing and they are trying to figure out whether a process change has caused this to occur.   ACC is looking at creating a second document log that would list who has consulted with them and what was discussed.   This is a result of the times that someone communicates to the CCC that they have talked with the ACC and since these situations are not currently documented it is hard if time has passed for the ACC to remember if they have talked with a homeowner about a certain issue.   The ACC receives a lot of email messages so Mark asked that the ACC not be included on CCC email messages unless there is action that the ACC needs to take on the situation being discussed. 

6)        Review/approve hearing summary letters (0)

7)        Hearings (1) and plans for hearings, if any – Homeowner contacted Emily (BTPOA CCC admin) and Jane King on 5/10/11 and indicated they had a plan for taking care of their issue and they would be contacting the ACC to get plan approval and would address the issue.   Mark Wester (ACC Chair) confirmed he had been contacted.  John Heiser to send letter to homeowner outlining communication and dates for completion.

8)        Committee Reports, if any

a)      Beautification, Trails & Roads:  BOD Liaison – Duane Fitch  – John Stahl, Chair

b)      Communications, Directory & Web Site:  BOD Liaison – Wayne Claybaugh – Steve Fuhrmann, Chair – Steve is working with another homeowner who will be taking over Bent Tree’s web site duties.   Wayne Claybaugh will be taking over Microsoft Access Database work and will be working closely with Steve Fuhrmann as he takes over this process and learns this new skill.  

c)      Covenant Compliance:  Liaison – Jane King – Jim Rios and Cris Uhlenhopp, Co-Chairs – Jane spent time with Cris going over Google Docs and the processes currently in place.   Meeting between Jane and CCC Co-chairs postponed from 5/11/11.   Will be rescheduled for week of 5/16/11.  

d)      Engineering & Water Augmentation:  BOD Liaison – John Heiser – Jerry Lopez, Chair – Bob Hostetler was present and indicated that he and Renee are spending time with Jerry Lopez to get trained on the processes and will be taking this over from Jerry.   Of the notices sent to all homeowners on water usage, 93 have not been returned.   Follow up communication will be sent to those homeowners.  

e)      Forest Management:  BOD Liaison – Wayne Claybaugh – John Anderson, Chair – The Forest Service has completed their tour of Bent Tree lots (those that were approved by homeowners) and John Anderson will be receiving a report with the results on Bent Tree problems with trees and beetles, etc. 

f)       Neighborhood Watch & Welcoming:  BOD Liaison – Wayne Claybaugh – Wayne Claybaugh, Chair

9)        Treasurer’s Report

a)      Balance Sheet/2011 Budget – John Heiser passed out updated balance sheet information.

b)      Status of 2011 assessment payments – no change, still 6 outstanding payments.

c)      Review/approve Accountable Bookkeeping Services invoice – motion made by Jane King to approve invoice, seconded by Duane Fitch, all in favor.

d)      Review/approve Anderson, Dude, and Lebel invoice, if any – motion made by Duane Fitch to approve invoice, seconded by Jane King, all in favor.

e)      Review/approve reimbursements, if any - none

10)    Future Meeting Schedule:

a)      Annual meeting: Sept. 15, 6:30 pm, YMCA

b)      Board meetings (2nd Tuesday, 6 pm): June 14, July 12, August 9, September 13, October 11, November 8, December 13

11)    Any other business

12)    Summary of action items

a)      John Heiser to send letter to homeowner on hearing issue.

b)      Jane King to reschedule meeting with CCC Co-Chairs.

c)      Jane King to email Wayne Claybaugh and have him welcome new homeowner and to have him include well information in welcoming packet. 

d)      Mark Wester to pull ACC application history and send to the Board for pending issue.

13)    Adjournment – motion made by Jane King to adjourn, seconded by Duane Fitch, all in favor.




Minutes Submitted by Jane King, Secretary                                         May 14, 2011


Minutes Approved by Board                                                               May 25, 2011