ACC meeting minutes May 4, 2011


1)            Mark Wester, Pedro Canellas. and Ron Restanio attended.  Met on Wednesday May 4 at the  Village Inn restaurant in Monument.  


2)            Need to resend approved form for Lot #92, 17430 Charter Pines Dr.


3)            Approved application from lot #108, 17030 Viscount Ct. to replace existing deck and railing. Plan was approved previously, owners sent detailed plans for hot tub to be included.


4)            Recommend to Board and CCC that the ACC be included in the emails only when a response is required from the ACC.   Do not use reply all feature. 


5)            Invite Ron Story and Website person to next meeting to incorporate online applications into the website.


6)            Next meeting will be the first Wednesday of the month, June 1.