Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association, Inc.

P.O. Box 2631

Monument, Colorado 80132-2631


Special Meeting/2011 Budget Meeting Minutes

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Woodmoor Barn, 1691 Woodmoor Drive


1)      Determination of Quorum – Duane Fitch verified that quorum was achieved with 78 lots represented in person or by proxy.

2)      Call to Order, Introductions – John Heiser called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m.

3)      Conduct of the Meeting – John Heiser introduced the directors present and explained the conduct of the meeting using Robert’s Rules of Order. Directors Mike Mastrodonato and Jane King were absent.

4)      Review/Approval of September 16, 2010 Annual Meeting Minutes – David McIntosh made a motion to approve the minutes. Matt Dunston seconded the motion which was unanimously approved by voice vote.

5)      Financial Report, Budget Discussion and Approval – John Heiser presented the financial report and 2011 budget. Bob Hostetler made a motion to accept the financial report and approve the budget. The motion was seconded by Mark Wester. Wayne Tully objected to budgeting $7,000 for Covenant Enforcement. The role of administrator Emily Vannelli was discussed as was money spent on Covenant Compliance Committee (CCC) activities. Wayne Tully moved to amend the motion to zero out the $7,000 budget for covenant enforcement. After discussion, the amendment was voted down by voice vote. Questions were raised about why the volunteers for the CCC were not contacted. John Heiser explained that the former chair of the CCC had resigned. Mark Wester offered to contact the CCC volunteers and call an organizational meeting. Matt Dunston moved to amend the motion to add a footnote to the budget that the CCC contractor is to serve at the will of the CCC, which serves at the will of the Board. This motion was seconded by Bill Dunston and, after discussion, passed by voice vote. Wayne Tully moved to amend the motion to include allegations of conflicts of interest with Board members being involved in CCC activities. John Heiser ruled that this, while an important topic, is out of order in the context of the budget discussion. The amended 2011 budget was approved by voice vote.

6)      ACC Report – Mark Wester gave an update and indicated things were slow during the wintertime and encouraged homeowners to submit their spring plans submitted early. He noted that ACC forms are posted at

7)      Water Committee Report – Jerry Lopez reported that as a higher percentage of property owners provide details on their outside irrigation, the BTPOA is able to make a case for requiring less augmentation water and therefore reduce the cost of the augmentation program. He added that property owners should anticipate receiving their annual water augmentation packet in April and should return the requested information by May 1. He noted that the State Engineer’s office is requiring all property owners to confirm that their well permit is registered in their name. Information on how to do that will be included in the annual water augmentation packet.

8)      Forestry Committee Report – John Anderson reported that the Forestry Committee is scheduling a tree inspection to be done by the Colorado State Forest Service. He encouraged property owners to return the post cards giving permission to inspect their trees and to use common sense and be on the lookout for signs of beetle damage.

9)      Covenant Compliance Administration – This was covered as part of item #5 above.

10)  Proposed Vehicle Parking Covenant Change Balloting – John Heiser explained that the intent of this meeting is to make sure the ballot is correct and worded the way property owners want it worded. The decision on the change to the covenants will be made by mail-in ballot. Duane Fitch made a motion to direct the BTPOA’s attorney to mail to the property owners ballots and related materials matching the copies distributed in the packets for this meeting except for removal of the term “Draft” and the phrase “Not for voting” and further direct the attorney is ignore all premature ballots cast on other than the official ballot form and any ballots received by the attorney’s office after April 1. Matt Dunston seconded the motion. BTPOA attorney Steve Lebel explained the conduct of the secret mail ballot. He noted that any ballots not returned are equivalent to a no vote on the covenant changes. Steve Bassett moved to amend the motion to change “¾-ton” truck to “1-ton” truck and this amendment was seconded by Bob Gebhart and after discussion passed 42-23 by a show of hands vote. Jim Rios moved to amend the motion to change the wording to allow parking only in the resident’s driveway. The amendment was seconded by Debbie Radke and after discussion passed by voice vote. Herb Wetzel moved to amend the motion to place a note on the outside of the envelope sent by the attorney that a ballot is enclosed and that the deadline for return of the ballot is April 1. The amendment was seconded by Ed Valez and after discussion was unanimously approved by voice vote. Jim Rios moved to amend the motion to change references to parking “outside” to reference parking “on the driveway” and this amendment was seconded by Bill Dunston and unanimously approved by voice vote. A motion was made to change the statements in the “Explanation of ballot” regarding the opinions of the board members, Steve Lebel indicated this proposed amendment was invalid since the statements represent the opinions of the board members. The proposed amendment was voted down by voice vote. Jim Rios made a motion to amend the motion to remove the phrase “or stored” from draft ballot, this was seconded by Matt Dunston and unanimously approved by voice vote. Duane Fitch called for a vote on the amended motion. The amended motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

11)  Meeting Schedule

a)      Annual Meeting Date: Thursday, Sept. 15, 6:30 p.m. (“on or about Sept. 15th”)

b)      Board Meetings: Second Tuesday of each month, 6 pm, Monument Sanitation District boardroom, 130 2nd Street, Monument.

12)  Any Other Business – None

13)  Adjourn – Matt Dunston made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Bill Dunston. The motion was unanimously approved by voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m.


Draft submitted August 23, 2011 by Jane King, BTPOA Secretary, based on notes taken by Steve Fuhrmann. Draft revised August, 24, 2011 by John Heiser, BTPOA President. Approved by the board September 13, 2011. Approved at the Annual Meeting, September 15, 2011.