Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

December 14, 2010

Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument

Executive Session on legal and contractual issues

Starting at 5 p.m. with determination of quorum

Commence Regular Meeting at 6 p.m.


Directors John Heiser, Wayne Claybaugh, Duane Fitch, Jane King and Mike Mastrodonato were present.


In attendance was Janice from Red Oaks, Mr. Thaut, Mr. Wetzel, Mr. & Mrs. Stahl, Mr. Limbird & Mr. Tully


1)        Approval of the agenda

Wayne Claybaugh made a motion to approve agenda, Jane King seconded, all in favor.


2)        Resident remarks, if any, on topics not on the agenda

Mr. Wetzel asked who had taken care of the Christmas lights at the entry in the past and was informed that he could contact Steve Fuhrmann and/or John Decker on this topic.

Mr. Tully requested information from the ACC on an issue with his property to provide to his attorney for legal action.


3)        Excuse absences, if any

No excused absences, all Board members present.


4)        Review/approve April 12, 2010 and November 16, 2010 board meeting minutes, if available

John Heiser still has action item to recreate April 12, 2010 meeting minutes if they cannot be retrieved from David Nix.   Jane King has action item to complete November 16, 2010 minutes and send out to all Board members.

5)        Review/approve hearing summary letters (2)

Duane Fitch made a motion to approve hearing summery letters, Wayne Claybaugh seconded, all in favor.


6)        Hearings (3 water, 1 parking) and plans for hearings

There was one parking hearing and 3 water hearings.   All homeowners were present except for one who had contacted the Board through email and provided the necessary information to complete the hearing process.  John Heiser will send out letters to all homeowners that summarize hearing results.


7)        ACC Report, if any



8)        Committee Reports, if any

a)      Beautification, Trails & Roads:  BOD Liaison – Duane Fitch  – Who? Chair

John Stahl voiced interest in participating in this committee. 


b)      Communications, Directory & Web Site:  BOD Liaison – Wayne Claybaugh – Steve Fuhrmann, Chair

Wayne Claybaugh tried to do the backup process on the information downloaded on Google     

Docs but there was not much information to backup.


c)      Covenant Compliance:  Liaison - Duane Fitch – Bill Owens, Chair

                                                  i.      Review/approve response to Berniger letter

This issue was handled in Executive Sessoin


d)      Engineering & Water Augmentation:  BOD Liaison – John Heiser – Jerry Lopez, Chair


e)      Forest Management:  BOD Liaison – Wayne Claybaugh - Larry Stevens, Chair


f)       Neighborhood Watch & Welcoming:  BOD Liaison – Wayne Claybaugh – Wayne Claybaugh, Chair



9)        Covenant Compliance – Red Oak contract was discussed with continuing work being needed to finalize and no final decisions made.


a)      Discussion of roles and responsibilities



b)      Issue of Red Oak Associates accumulated hours



c)      Review/approve Red Oak Associates 2011 contract



10)    Treasurer’s Report

a)      Balance Sheet/2010 Budget

b)      Review/approve Red Oak Associates’ bill – Wayne Claybaugh made motion to approve payment of $524.72, Jane King seconded, all in favor. 

c)      Review/approve 2011 Budget – made one adjustment for 2011 budget and this will be presented to homeowners at February 17, 2011 budget meeting.

11)    Status of updates to the Rules and Regulations

a)      Verbiage change suggested by attorney

John Heiser is still working on this issue and (b) below and will continue with this.

b)      Changes to comply with latest state laws



12)    Status of balloting of covenant change for vehicle parking

a)      Review of revised wording


b)      Schedule for balloting



13)    Future Meeting Schedule:
Budget meeting: Feb. 17, 6:30 pm, Woodmoor Barn
Board meetings (2nd Tuesday, 6 pm): January 11, February 8, March 15, April 12, May 10, June 14, July 12, August 9, September 13, October 11, November 8, December 11

14)    Any other business

15)    Summary of action items

John Heiser to work on April 12, 2010 meeting minute issue.

Jane King to type up meeting minutes from November 16, 2010 and send out to all Board members.

John Heiser to send out letters on hearing results that summarizes action items needed.

 Janice with Red Oaks will send out the 4 additional hearing notices that need to go out.

 John Heiser working on verbiage change to Rules and Regulations – both those suggested by

      attorney and those to comply with State laws.

  Wayne Claybaugh will look over Rules and Regulations and do some rewording based on attorney

      feedback to change shall/will to may.

  Duane Fitch will update Red Oaks new contract with changes discussed in Executive Session and

      send out to all Board members for review.

  Jane King to work on Exhibit A of Red Oaks contract documentation and send to all Board members   for review.


16)    Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 10:18 pm.



Submitted by Jane King, Secretary                                   December 16, 2010


Approved by Board                                              December 30, 2010