Architectural Control Committee

Minutes for 6/9/08 Meeting

Submitted by Patrice Stevens, ACC Chair


1.     Approve minutes for May Meeting - approved

2.     Driveway paving request for lot 14 - approved

3.     Driveway paving request for lot 167 – need more info.  Patrice will contact Lemke’s for more detailed plans of construction.

4.     Storage shed request for lot 34 -  need to walk property.  Property walked 6/27.  Construction approved.

5.     Paint request for lot 58 approved

6.     Storage Shed request for lot 83 approved

7.     Landscape request for lot 185/186 approved

8.     Review current construction projects

9.     any new business/requests?

1.      Lot 148 Landscape request – approved

2.     No other new business

10.                         Meeting adjourned at 8:04