Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

January 14, 2008

Monument Sanitation District Office, 130 2nd St., Monument


Attendees:  Board Members:  Duane Fitch, John Heiser, and Chris Patterson

Others:  Jerry Lopez, John Stahl and Steve Fuhrmann

Meeting was called to order at 7:06 PM with Duane Fitch presiding.


1)    Dec 10, 2007 minutes were approved by the board.  Agenda was approved.


2)    Hearings.  No hearing were held.


3)    ACC Report:  Tom Hilfers provided a written report to Duane. 


            a)  Lot 50, Fitzgerald’s will be new construction.  It will be a large home with an

        enclosed pool.  Discussion was conducted with owners, Tom and John Anderson and they

        were all comfortable with the thinning that will be required.  Still missing the exact location

        of the leech field.  All questions regarding what materials could be used for roofing and

        fencing were addressed.  Jerry Lopez did brief them on water limits within the community

        and pool water will be purchased from Monument.  None of the above addressed items were

        approved…only information provided.


            b)  Lot 26 fence.  Dave and Tom will meet with each party separately this week (Jones

        and Wooster).  When Patrice Stevens returns from vacation in mid-February they will meet

        to resolve the issue. 


            c)  Lot 137 new fence.  This is new fence construction and Tom is awaiting the

        submission of a change form.  Tom has some additional information and will meet in the

        next week to either approve/disapprove.


            d)  Tom contacted Quentin Pletsch (road damage on Embassy Ct).  He is not sure if the

        ACC can or should go after contractors while the homeowner is trying to rectify the

        situation with his former contractor and there is no animosity between neighbors.  Tom


           - Whose authority is this because it’s not actual damages to a lot?

           -  Are the roads under board authority? Or the county?

           -  Is the homeowner ultimately responsible?


             e)  Lot 246 water use issue.  Tom will contact Dave Hollenbach after contacting the

          owners of lot 246.


4)     Treasurer’s Report:  172 lots have paid their annual dues for a total deposited to date of $20,640. Payments have been made to Red Oak ($600.00); NEPCO ($45.00); Anderson, Dude and Lebel ($22.50); John Anderson ($37.79) and Ellen Hostetler ($47.13).


        John Heiser will get with Chris Patterson to complete the annual budget.  Chris will obtain all previous treasury documents from Debbi Maser.  Annual Budget meeting announcement letter will include meter information.  Move was made and seconded to place the information with the President’s letter, etc. on the web and email with a paper copy being sent to “non-email users.”


5)     Committee Reports:


            a)  Beautification and Trails:  John Stahl reported that the driveway of Lot 165 is in violation as it interferes with the trail.  He will check with Tom Hilfers and see it those plans which allowed the violation to occur had been signed off.  It does not appear that the driveway was laid according to the plot.  Will request that the owners have their attorney prepare a document releasing the association from any liability if someone should be injured while on that portion of the trail crossing the driveway.   

b)  Covenant Compliance:  No report.

c)  Directory and Webmaster:  No report.

            dEngineering Report:  No Report

             e)  Forest Management:  No Report

            fNeighborhood Watch:  No report.

             g)  BTPOA Communication:  No report.

             h)  Water Augmentation:  Jerry Lopez reported that he has prepared the mailing cards

         for the metered lots.  He has devised four different packets:

               1)  Property not developed/no well

               2)  Property with a well/not metered/less than 2000 sq ft

               3)  Property with a well/metered/less than 2000 sq ft

               4)  Property with a well/dual metered/more that 2000 sq ft


              There was discussion of putting the November water report on line.  It was decided to port the report on the password protected part of the website.  Steve Fuhrmann will continue to work on creating a web based meter reporting site.  Jerry concluded his portion by providing the board with this year’s water bill from Great Divide Water Company for $9552.72.  A motion was made to pay the bill, seconded and approved.


               i)  Welcoming:  No report.


6)  Future Board Meeting:  18 February 2008 to be followed by the Annual Budget Meeting on 21 February at the Woodmoor “Barn.”


 7)  Any other business:  Steve Fuhrmann made a point that some of the by laws need to be revised and John Heiser agreed.  Specifically needing attention are the laws addressing CCIOA, Proxy and Annual Dues.


 8)  Resident Remarks:  None


 9)  Summary of Action Items:  None




Meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM

Minutes prepared by Chris Patterson, BTPOA Board Member, 02/17/08

Minutes approved at BTPOA BOD Meeting 02/18/08