Bent Tree Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Sunday, August 20th, 2006


17135 Colonial Park Dr. Monument, CO 80132


Attendees:  Board Members:  Gail Bates, Duane Fitch, John Heiser, and Debbi Maser

Others:  None.


Meeting was called to order at 2:15pm.


1)         Review and approval of minutes August 9th and August 13th board meeting (if available):

a)      August 9th minutes reviewed with changes to specify date of V2 R&R’s document reviewed at that meeting and to delete items regarding trail erosion and Nepco meeting.  Motion was made by Duane Fitch to approve the minutes with these edits.  Motion seconded by John Heiser.  Approved by Duane Fitch, John Heiser and Debbi Maser and abstained by Gail Bates.

b)      August 13th meeting minutes not available.

2)         Review action items from minutes of the August 13th board meeting (if available)

a)      Action for John Heiser to contact and retain Bennett Shellenberger for BTPOA covenant enforcement for a six month period NTE $4500.  Completed - John contacted Bennett Shellenberger, and they are not accepting new clients.

3)         Future Board Meeting Schedule

a)      BOD meetings scheduled for the second Thursday of each month at the Monument Library at 6:45pm.

b)      Future meeting agenda items include:

                                                   i.      Discuss community property of BTPOA

                                                 ii.      Discuss plans for backup and offsite storage of BTPOA records,

                                                iii.      Provide and review BTPOA insurance.

                                               iv.      Check into using Joan Goldsmith as BTPOA attorney.

                                                 v.      Check into using Pat Web as source of HOA advice.

4)         Plans for Mailing Annual Meeting Package:

a)      Materials to be provided were reviewed and action items assigned (see summary of action items below) to prepare package.

5)         Review and approval of Revised Rules and Regulations, draft dated 2006-08-18.

a)      Revised Rules and Regulations extensively reviewed section by section, line by line.  Multiple changes discussed and incorporated. Debbi Maser made motion to approve revised R&R’s incorporating today’s revisions.  Motion seconded by Gail Bates.  Approved by Gail Bates, Duane Fitch, John Heiser and Debbi Maser.

6)         No resident remarks on topics not on the agenda.

7)         Summary of Action Items:

a)      Announcement letter to be drafted by John Heiser.

b)      John Heiser to obtain hard copy of Treasurer’s Report by COB Tuesday, 8/22/06, for BOD review prior to enclosing in property owner’s meeting materials.

c)      John Heiser to contact Claude Todaro for copy of financial review he completed of the BTPOA budget.

d)      John Heiser to provide Executive Summary of Changes to Rules and Regulations to BOD for review prior to enclosing in property owner’s meeting materials.

e)      John Heiser to provide single-sided copy of meeting materials for mailing to Debbi Maser by Wednesday, 8/23/06, for mailing on or about 8/25/06.

f)       John Heiser to determine if needed, and if so, get projector for annual meeting.

8)         Adjourn:

a)      Meeting was adjourned at 5:05pm.


Minutes prepared by Debbi Maser, BTPOA Secretary, 9/17/06

Approved at BTPOA BOD Meeting 10/9/06