Bent Tree Property Owners Association (BTPOA)

Board of Director’s Meeting Minutes

Saturday, January 14, 2006, 9:30 a.m.

Tri-Lakes-Monument Fire Rescue Authority Station #1, 18650 Highway 105



1.       Attendees: Directors: Gail Bates, John Heiser, and Tim McLaughlin. Director Kathy Decker was absent. Director Lisa Stahl resigned Jan. 9. Other attendees: Bruce Bates, Jerry Lopez, and Sally Lopez.


2.       Minutes of October 14 board meeting: Tim moved, Gail seconded; minutes were unanimously approved as distributed.


3.       Action Items from the October 14 board meeting:

a)    John Heiser

1)    Obtain information from property management companies regarding managing Bent Tree and the attendant costs. Pending.

2)    Contact Jerry Lopez regarding inspection of the drainage structures. See ACC report below.

3)    Form a committee and work with them to prepare proposed changes to the Bylaws and Rules and Regulations for compliance with SB05-100. Pending.

4)    Ask Sally Lopez if she is willing to be the editor of the Bent Tree Log. Sally declined.

5)    Contact Tim McLaughlin regarding his availability to help with the Covenant Compliance Committee. Tim expressed concern that he might not have time to help.

6)    Prepare a meeting notice and reserve the Woodmoor Barn for the February Budget Meeting. Pending.

7)    Obtain a bid from Julia Murphy to conduct a BTPOA well survey. Copies distributed.

8)    Prepare and distribute a draft budget for review at the January board meeting. Done.

b)    Tim McLaughlin

1)    Contact the Curt and Theresa Broeker (Lot 198) to obtain payment of assessment and late fee. Pending. Transferred back to Treasurer Kathy Decker.

2)    Prepare minutes of the September 16 Annual Meeting. Pending.

c)    Bruce Bates

1)    Prepare ACC Rules and Regulations for inclusion as an appendix in the BTPOA Rules and Regulations. Pending.


4.       Review and revise minutes of the September 16 annual meeting. Minutes are not yet available. John agreed to prepare minutes.


5.       Committee Status:


a)    ACC: Bruce noted that the ACC has created an interim web site at Bruce noted that the owner of lot 165 paid a $300 fine for storing dirt on the lot. Bruce added that the Gossett situation is being resolved. They are constructing an ACC-approved stucco wall to screen their trashcans.

b)    Beautification and Trails: Nothing new.

c)    Covenant Compliance Committee: Gail reported that all members of the CCC have resigned. A major issue is the perception that the BTPOA does not have any covenant enforcement power short of going to court. Bruce agreed to contact the association’s attorney, James Duve, to see if the present covenants and state law support imposition of a schedule of fines and what recourse the BTPOA would have if assessed fines were not paid.

d)    Newsletter/Directory: John reported that Steve Fuhrmann has prepared a directory format using the Microsoft Access database. Bruce suggested the listing by lot numbers be omitted in favor of the listing by address since that would be more helpful for residents. Since we do not at present have a newsletter editor, John agreed to prepare the next Bent Tree Log.

e)    Engineering Committee: Jerry said the drainage structures were inspected in August 2005. One obstructed culvert is being corrected by the property owner. He said he plans to inspect the drainage structures later this year. He said he anticipates no major repair work will be required.

f)     Forestry Committee: Nothing new.

g)    Neighborhood Watch/Security Committee: Nothing new.

h)    Water Augmentation:

1)    Ken Blutt in his 2005 water augmentation report to the State Engineer’s Office noted that 12 of the 33 metered houses showed consumption in excess of the water allocation used in court order calculations. Jerry said that if this continues it could have drastic consequences for Bent Tree residents. He asked what action should be taken regarding the 12 lots. Jerry and Bruce were asked by the board to contact the owners of the 12 lots to see what can be done to correct the situation. Jerry agreed to write an article for inclusion in the next Log.

2)    Jerry asked how landscape water features (ponds, streams, etc.) should be treated within the context of the water augmentation plan. Jerry was asked by the board to contact the State Engineer’s Office for a determination.

3)    Jerry agreed to obtain a second bid for a community-wide well survey.

i)      Web Site: Steve Fuhrmann has transferred the information to our new web site at

j)      Welcoming Committee: John Decker is set to take an active role in the committee.


6.       Financial management: Gail noted that it is common practice for HOA boards to review bank statements monthly. She also suggested we look into having a bookkeeper do the books and periodically have a CPA conduct an audit of the association’s accounts. Sally agreed to obtain bids for those services.


7.       Plans for publication of Bent Tree Log and Family Directory: Directory – The goal remains to publish the directory during January and to issue a Log with the minutes of the September 16 Annual Meeting prior to the February Budget Meeting. Sally reported that she obtained a bid to print 300 copies of the directory for about $750. The mailing cost is estimated at $250. John noted that the 2006 budget for printing and mailing was set to cover those costs.

8.       Management Company Research: John agreed at the annual meeting to gather additional information to be reviewed by the membership at the February Budget Meeting. That effort is on going.


9.       Revisions to comply with SB 05-100: John will be forming a committee to develop revisions to the BTPOA Bylaws and the BTPOA Rules and Regulations to comply with SB 05-100. It was suggested that Duane Fitch (home phone 268-1265) might be interested in helping.


10.   Well Survey:  John distributed copies of a bid from Julia Murphy for conducting a BTPOA community-wide well survey. Jerry Lopez agreed to obtain a second bid. While the consensus that this would be valuable information to have, there were some concerns that if the survey showed significantly declining water levels then property owners would be obligated to disclose that information to potential buyers, negatively affecting property values.


11.   2006 Budget: After some discussion, the following budget was unanimously approved on a motion made by Tim and seconded by Gail:





Expense Category



Architectural Control Committee

$             300

Review of plans

Beautification and Trails

 $          1,650

Maintenance of entrances, trails, roadside

Covenant Compliance

 $             250

Printing and mailing

Dues & Subscriptions

 $             250

Membership in NEPCO

Flood Control

 $             200

Engineer's review plus maintenance work


 $             300

Beetle and mistletoe survey


 $          2,600

Gen. Liability, Officers and Directors Liability


 $          1,000

Attorney review of documents

Meeting Expense

 $             650

Meeting room and refreshments

Printing and Mailing

 $          1,800

BT Log, directory, meeting notices


 $             400

Lights at Scottswood and Highway 105

Water Augmentation

 $          9,007

BT share in Great Divide Water Company


 $             300

Printing or purchasing materials, birdhouses

Office Supplies

 $             650

Office Supplies


 $             250



 $             733

To cover contingencies

Total Expenses

 $        20,340





Revenue Category




 $        18,504

257 lots x $72 per lot

Plan Review

 $             300

Assumes three sets of house plans reviewed

Interest on CDs

 $          1,536

3% interest on $51,211 in two CDs

Total Revenue

 $        20,340




12.   February Budget Meeting Plans: The board decided to hold the meeting on Feb. 16, 17, or 18 depending on availability of the Woodmoor Barn. The preference was for Thursday, Feb. 16. The consensus was that we forgo door prizes. John agreed to ask Kathy Decker if she could provide refreshments.


13.   Future Board Meeting Schedule: The preferred location is the Tri-Lakes Fire Protection District firehouse boardroom, 18650 Highway 105 (near the bowling alley). Gail recommended the board try again to hold monthly meetings. The next board meeting was set for the 6:30 p.m., Feb. 9, the second Thursday in February.  The location is to be determined.


14.   Any other business or resident remarks. Tim McLaughlin submitted his letter of resignation from the board. John expressed appreciation for Tim’s efforts over the years on behalf of the association.


15.   Action Items:

a)    Bruce Bates

1)    Prepare ACC Rules and Regulations for inclusion as an appendix in the BTPOA Rules and Regulations.

2)    Contact attorney Jim Duve to see if the present covenants and state law support imposition of a schedule of fines and what recourse the BTPOA would have if assessed fines were not paid.

b)    Kathy Decker

1)    Contact the Curt and Theresa Broeker (Lot 198) to obtain payment of 2005 and 2006 assessments and late fee.

2)    Arrange for refreshments for the February Budget Meeting.

c)    John Heiser

1)    Obtain information from property management companies regarding managing Bent Tree and the attendant costs.

2)    Form a committee and work with them to prepare proposed changes to the Bylaws and Rules and Regulations for compliance with SB05-100.

3)    Prepare a meeting notice and reserve the Woodmoor Barn for the February Budget Meeting. [The barn is now reserved for Thursday, Feb. 16, 6:30 – 10 p.m.]

4)    Prepare minutes of the September 16 Annual Meeting.

5)    Prepare the next issue of the Bent Tree Log.

d)    Jerry Lopez

1)    Contact the owners of the 12 lots with excessive water use to see what can be done to correct the situation.

2)    Prepare an article on excessive water consumption and the potential impact on our augmentation program.

3)    Contact the State Engineer’s Office for a determination as to how landscape water features affect our water augmentation program.

4)    Obtain a second bid for a community-wide well survey.

e)    Sally Lopez

1)    Obtain bids for BTPOA bookkeeping and audit services.

2)    Arrange for the printing of the family directory.


16.   Adjourn. The meeting adjourned about 11:45 a.m.


Minutes Prepared by John Heiser, President, BTPOA, Jan. 25, 2006. Approved Feb. 9, 2006.