Bent Tree Property Owners Association (BTPOA)

Board of Director’s Meeting Minutes

Saturday, March 10, 2005

Tri-Lakes Fire Protection District

Station #1, Highway 105, Monument, CO 80132



  1. Attendees: Directors: Gail Bates, Kathy Decker, John Heiser, and Tim McLaughlin. John Heiser presided. Other attendees: Bruce Bates, John Decker, and Bill and Marilyn Uhde.


  1. Minutes of February 12 Budget Meeting: Jerry Wagner’s draft minutes were revised and unanimously approved.


  1. Minutes of the February 12 Board Meeting: Jerry Wagner’s draft minutes were revised and approved 3-0-1 with Gail Bates abstaining.


  1. Action Items from the February 12 Meeting: All action items were completed except
    1. John Heiser

1)    From the budget meeting, research and ascertain that Association’s insurance coverage includes the ACC and other committees  (carried forward)


  1. Election of Vice President: Tim McLaughlin was unanimously elected to be BTPOA Vice President. Tim noted that due to work and travel constraints he could not serve as President.

  2. Designation of BTPOA Water Augmentation Representative: John Heiser agreed to ask Jerry Lopez to take over that position. He will discuss with Ken Blutt staying in that position until Jerry Lopez can take over.

  3. Preparations for March 22 Special Meeting:
    1. The draft agenda was reviewed and revised.
    2. Jerry Wagner’s site visit report was reviewed, revised, and approved for inclusion in the materials for the Special Meeting March 22.
    3. John Heiser distributed copies of the Land Development Code section on RR-2 zoning. Gail said it is more important to speak to the ACC and what the ACC is charged with vs. commercial uses. John replied that many of the issues focused on commercial uses which are forbidden by county ordinances.
    4. Kathy and John Decker agreed to obtain bottled water and to make coffee. The board agreed that food and door prizes are not appropriate for this type of meeting.
    5. It was agreed to rely on roadside signs in lieu of mailing a reminder since the notice went out just 15 days prior to the meeting.
    6. John Heiser took an action item to prepare copies of the materials to be distributed at the meeting.

  4. Committee Liaison Assignments.
    1. Architectural Control Committee – John Heiser
    2. Beautification and Trails Committee – John Heiser
    3. Covenant Compliance Committee – Gail Bates
    4. Directory – Kathy Decker
    5. Engineering Committee – Tim McLaughlin
    6. Forestry Committee – Tim McLaughlin
    7. Neighborhood Watch/Security Committee – Jerry Wagner
    8. Newsletter – Jerry Wagner
    9. Water Augmentation – Kathy Decker
    10. Welcoming Committee – John Heiser

  5. Removal of Letters on Westernmost Colonial Park Entrance. John Decker agreed to remove the remaining letters from the entrance monuments on Higby Road and save them for future use.

  6. BTPOA Insurance: Gail Bates requested the name of the insurance company: John Heiser replied that the broker is Van Gilder Insurance. John said he wanted claims to be presented to the board rather than directly to the insurance company. John said it was not our obligation to inform the insurance company at this time since no claim has been presented. The board needs to proceed step by step as necessary.

  7. Board Meeting Information: It was agreed that future board meeting dates, times, and locations will be posted on the BTPOA web site. can be used by residents to automatically receive an e-mail message whenever the web site changes.

  8. Next Board meeting: Sunday, April 10, 2 p.m., Kathy and John Decker’s house, 17765 Merryhill Court.

  9. Comments by Bill Uhde: Bill Uhde said he was upset because he was condemned and slandered and many Bent Tree homeowners believed Mr. Scaraboro allegations without hearing Uhde’s side or coming to see his garage.
  10. Action Items:
    1. John Heiser

1.      (Carried forward) Research and ascertain that Association’s insurance coverage includes the ACC and other committees.

2.      Incorporate revisions in Feb. 12 meeting minutes.

3.      Prepare Special Meeting Materials.

4.      Contact Jerry Lopez and Ken Blutt regarding Water Augmentation liaison.

    1. Kathy Decker

1.      Obtain bottled water and coffee for the Special Meeting March 22.

2.      Prepare draft minutes of Mar. 10 board meeting



Minutes Prepared by Kathy Decker, Treasurer, and John Heiser, President, BTPOA, March 22, 2005.